Q1: What is the “Shroud of the Avatar Role Players”?
A1: Shroud of the Avatar Role Players is a community for all players of the upcoming game Shroud of the Avatar-Forsaken Virtues,who plan to enjoy the role play aspect of Richard Garriott’s newest creation.
Q2: What is the purpose of Shroud of the Avatar Role Players community?
A2: This community is meant to bring together all role players, regardless of style, ethnicity, color and gender under an umbrella of mutual respect, friendship and fun.
The purpose is to expand the community inside and outside the game organizing events as well as full-fledged story arcs of high quality.
Until the game is fully launched we will utilize IRC chat as well as our forums in order to facilitate Role Play events and we will try to utilize the Testing Release dates as much as possible.
Q3: What makes this community so different from any other role play community in the world?
A3: It is common knowledge that many role play communities tend to become elitist, by providing a strict screening with long evaluation periods and oblige you to adhere to very strict role play rules. That is not the case with Shroud of the Avatar Role Players community.
Instead, we offer the tools, the people and the experience to help you -our fellow Role Players- enjoy Role Playing inside and outside the game and to make every single Role Play story a wonderful experience.
Q4: How is the Shroud of the Avatar Role Players community structured?
A4: It is structured in several layers:
A.SotA RP Community Team is involved in the design, implementation and promotion of the role play community. This group involves Forum Moderators, RP Event Facilitator, Journalists
i.Forum Moderators are the guardians of our community, ensuring the protection of healthy discussions, based on mutual respect and camaraderie.
ii.RP Event Facilitator is here to help any person/guild who wishes in the planning and coordination of their role play events. He is also responsible for recruiting and assigning DMs to events.
iii.Journalists are those who are behind the various news articles, whether in-character or out-of-character.
B.SotA RP Members are the people who join the community but are not in any way involved in the administration of it.
i.Guild Representatives are officers of any guild who wish to act as its ambassadors here in this community.
ii.Role Play Members involves role players who wish to enjoy a healthy role playing community away from backstage (as well as frontstage) drama, plots and elitist behavior.
iii. External Journalists are those who -although they do not wish to join the SotA-RP team- would like to submit an article to be posted in our NEWS section. We are always glad to see an active community and to this purpose we wish to give to you a voice to be heard far and wide. The articles may be in-character or out-of-character. For further instructions please contact Fireangel.
Q5: I would like to submit a Role Play event to be added to the calendar and be advertized through SotA RP, what do I have to do?
A5: In order to provide the best services we can and increase visibility for your event, you will have to contact our RP Event Facilitator and provide him with all the information required:
– Name and type of event
– Date(s) the event will take place
– Preferred privacy (open or small group event?)
– Advertising art (if you have any available)
– etc
For more information please contact Bowen Bloodgood
Q6: I would like to DM a Role Play event, what do I have to do? Do I have to join the SotA RP Team?
A6: As a community we value its members and their creativity. To DM an event, though, requires great commitment and responsibility and as such we take the role of DM seriously. It is for this reason that first you must contact our RP Event Facilitator (Bowen Bloodgood) and he will guide you through the process.
Q7: Who can join the SotA RP Community Team?
A7: Anyone with past experience, good will and attitude is able to join our team. Joining, though, requires some sort of commitments, as well as adhering to proper rules of conduct. Nationality isn’t an issue as long as you can read and write English at comprehensive level.
Q8: I have some ideas for the community, where can I submit them?
A8: Excellent! We are always open to new ideas and frankly, we welcome them. Simply go to the Shroud of the Avatar Role Players community website and post your ideas in the Community Feedback forum or through the Contact Us link in the horizontal menu.
Q9: I am an unguilded role-player/role-play guild member, how do I join?
A9: Go to Shroud of the Avatar Role Players community website and just….join us.
Q10: English isn’t my main language, can I join the community?
A10: Ofcourse! As mentioned before this is not a closed community and we would like to include as many role players as possible, despite ethnicity, language or what not.
Should it be required separate forums for French and German speaking role players will be accommodated and be Moderated by French and German speaking Moderators.
Additionally, should this be the case, translations in the appropriate languages will be provided. (which means we could use French and German speaking people in our team as well 😉 ).
Q11: How will the forum moderation be applied?
A11: Forum moderation will be limited to OOC behavior only. The purpose of having Moderators is to help keep discussions at civil levels, while showing respect at the same time.
Q12: If I join this community will I be obliged to role play every day, come launch day?
A12: No. There is no rule about how often one should role play.
Q13: I have a specific style of role playing, will I have to change it to adhere to certain rulesets?
A13: No. The community is open to all styles of role playing.
Q14: I am new to this thing called AR-PEA and I would like to join, but I am afraid people in the community will talk me down and make me feel unwelcome.
A14: Every role player started up being in the exact same place as you are now. None of us knew how to role play in the beginning.
It does require to take baby steps at start to find a direction for your character, any experienced role player can tell you that.
Still, don’t be afraid, the community of Shroud of the Avatar Role Players will be there to catch you should you stumble and help you get up on your own two feet. This is a Community, not a Private Club.
Q15: Whats the catch?
A15: There is no catch. Having experienced many role playing communities in various Online Games, some people just decided the world could use a better place where role-playing gamers could come together in mutual respect, get to know each other, organize events and create a living breathing world inside the Shroud of the Avatar, that could benefit not only the role players, but also the whole community of Shroud of the Avatar.
Community Team
Shroud of the Avatar Role Players