Written by Keira and edited for use on SOTARP.org
Role Play (aka. rp; roleplay)
Taking on a part, much like you would in a play but inside a chat-room or chat system in a video game. You don’t have a script of lines to memorize nor a director telling you where to stand and what to do. In essence, you’ve stepped into another person’s shoes and you’re pretending to be that person/being/creature/whatever.
Refers to -you- the person behind the character. This is the real live person that is typing the words on the computer.
Represents the being/creature/person you are playing. He/She/It could be inspired by a TV character, historical figure or from your own imagination. The Character and the Typist are different entities, and the Character would not be aware of the Typist.
Non-Player Characters (aka NPC)
In game characters which are not played by a Typist but are instead controlled by the game, story or computer.
In Character (aka IC)
Acting or speaking in a manner as in the role of the being/creature/person you’ve made up. You are the character when you are In Character (IC).
Out of Character (aka OOC)
When the typist wants to say something or do something as himself/herself but not as their character or part of the game. This is used to present the Typist’s ideas and speech. When In Character the typical ooc format is with double brackets. Example: ((OOC Comment))
Godmoder (aka GM) or Metagaming (meta)
When a character is played as if they were invincible and/or knows things without an IC reason for knowing it. This is considered bad form, and is typically frowned on from an RP perspective. Example: Your character walks up to a stranger and knows their name without being introduced.
Power-Play (aka PP)
Trying to control the actions or thoughts of another person’s character. This is generally an illegal move, and often ignored by Role Players.